Acording to Verizon Wireles, Owner of Apple's new iPhone 5 may notice that the phone is guzzling more bytes over the cellular network than it should, which could lead to a hefty bill. It turns out there's abug.
Under Certain circumstances, iPhone 5 may use verizon cellular data while the phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network," saiod Torod Neptune, a spokesman for verizon." Apple has afix that is being delivered to verizon customers right on their iPhone 5. Verizon Wireless customers will not be charged for any unwarranted cellular data usage."
Verizon Wireless has acknowledged the problem, and says it has to do with the phone's use of cellular data even when it is connected ti Wi-Fi. A solution is being issued to Verizon customers, and they will not be charged for the erroneous data use, the company said.
Mr. Fleishman said the problem might also effect iPhone 5 owners on other carriers, including AT&T and Sprint. Mark Siegel, an AT&T spokesman, declined to comment. Sprint and Apple did nit immediately respond to requests for comment.